When discussing with your doctor, you may want to use this document to help guide the conversation
When discussing with your doctor, you can guide the conversation with this document.
When discussing with your doctor, you may want to use this document to help guide the conversation
To consult with your doctor, you can guide the conversation with this document:
Testimonio de Jesús Antonio Asprilla
"Me tocaba esperar 10 a 15 minutos a que se me pasara la agitación. Me empecé a sentir sin aire"
Jesus empezó a sentir los síntomas cuando estaba laborando en su trabajo, se sentía agitado y sin aire. Decidió ir a la clínica donde le dieron 2 episodios de infarto…
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When discussing with your doctor, you may want to use this document to help guide the conversation
When discussing with your doctor, you may want to use this document to help guide the conversation